
Iron Fortune Pty Ltd is a privately owned Australian consulting and resource company focused on investment in businesses or assets aligned with minerals and resources.

Iron Fortune has identified Timor-Leste for potential investment and is a recognised foreign company there. Directors of companies with potential JV proposals are encouraged to make contact. In April 2024 Iron Fortune was granted 3 minerals exploration and evaluation licenses across Timor-Leste, including in Oecusse, with a major focus on manganese exploration.

Iron Fortune aims to generate shareholder value through:

  1. Analysing and acquiring assets or interests
  2. Determining and implementing low cost-high return strategies for prioritised asset divestment and/or development
  3. Providing partial returns to shareholders following individual asset divestments or value creation events
  4. Providing consultancy services

If you would like to contact the directors, please email us at enquiries@ironfortune.com.au

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