July 2024 Community Cultural Ceremonies with ANM

In July 2024, Ian Sinclair, Ross Brown and Joe Magno attended 3 community cultural welcome ceremonies with ANM and Murak Rai TL in the principal villages of our minerals licenses. Each event was fascinating and an encouraging step as we look forward to engaging with each community as we move forward into minerals exploration and evaluation.

A link to each of ANM’s facebook posts about the 3 cultural ceremonies in July 2024 are provided below.


Maquelab, Oecusse




3 Minerals Exploration and Evaluation Licenses formally granted by ANM

Following the award of our 3 licence areas on 30 November 2023, on 9 April 2024 Iron Fortune  was formally granted 3 minerals exploration and evaluation licenses by ANM. This is a huge and exciting milestone for the Company as we now look forward to embarking on our first formal exploration activities in Timor-Leste.

Soon thereafter, on 15 April 2024, Ross Brown and Joe Magno attended the Baucau tenement award ceremony. A link to recording of Livestream from the Baucau tenement award ceremony is here.

On 19 April 2024, Ross and Joe attended an Oecusse tenements award ceremony and a link to recording of Livestream from the Baucau tenement award ceremony is here. 


On 30 November 2023 ANM Timor-Leste announced the first award of minerals concession areas and Iron Fortune is thrilled to have been awarded 3 concessions. This is a most exciting step not only for Iron Fortune but we also congratulate His Excellency the Minister for Petroleum and Minerals and the President of ANM and his team on all their work in achieving this goal.

We attach several informative links for further details:

Tatoli Timor-Leste News

The Energy Circle by IN-VR

LinkedIn post by ANM:

ANM Timor Leste LinkedIn

ANPM Launch Minerals Tender

On 20 March 2023 the Minerals Tender 2023 was launched by ANPM, the petroleum and minerals regulatory authority, in Dili, Timor-Leste, and attended by senior government officials and a number of invited Iron Fortune representatives.

On 21 March 2023 Iron Fortune submitted our Pre-Qualification Application to ANPM.

On 17 April 2023 Iron Fortune was delighted to receive notice from ANPM, that our Pre-Qualification Application has been approved. We expect to be only one of a very small number of companies globally to have achieved this milestone.

Dili Conference – The Role of the Petroleum and Minerals Sector

Iha loron 14 fulan Abril tinan 2023, Iron Fortune hetan konvite atu partisipa iha konferénsia iha Ministériu Finansas, iha Dili ho tema “Papél setór Petróleu no Minerais nian ba Dezenvolvimentu Sosioekonómika Timor-Leste nian”.

Reprezentante sira husi Ministériu Petróleu no Minerais, hamutuk ho instituisaun relevante sira mak hanesan ANPM, IPG, Timor Gap no CMTL mai partisipa iha eventu ida ne ‘e. Partisipantes sira inklui reprezentante F-FDTL, PNTL, no Komisaun Altu sira. VIPs barak mak aprezenta, hanesan hakerek ona iha aneksu ajenda

Partisipa mós husi Reprezentante  Inisiativa Transparénsia Indústria Estrativa nian https://e.org/

Iron Fortune felisita Governu Timor-Leste no ajénsia prinsipál sira ba prestasaun  kona-ba dezenvolvimentu indústria estrativa modernu no transparente ida.


On 14 April 2023 Iron Fortune was invited to attend a conference at the Ministry of Finance Building in Dili themed “The Role of the Petroleum and Minerals sector for the Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of Timor-Leste”.

Representatives from the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals attended, together with key stakeholder institutions such as ANPM, IPG, Timor Gap and CMTL. Attendees included representatives from F-FDTL, PNTL, and various High Commissions. Many VIPs presented, as outlined in the attached agenda.

 Representatives from Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative also attended.  https://eiti.org/

Iron Fortune congratulates the Government of Timor-Leste and the key delivery agencies on the development of a modern and transparent extractive industries regulatory framework.

5th IPG International Geoscience Conference 2022

In November 2022, Miss Joe Magno and Mr Nick Dunstan attended the 5th IPG International Geoscience Conference in Dili on behalf of the Company. Iron Fortune was delighted to again be invited to make a presentation to the Conference and Joe Magno was excited to present on “Commercial geology in Timor-Leste: a nation building opportunity”.

It was a successful conference and we were very pleased to once again meet our Timor-Leste friends and colleagues face to face after the pandemic.

Meeting with HE President José Ramos Horta

29C007B1-F8E2-4C3C-A822-DF7B6D07068EAnother Iron Fortune milestone in late 2022, Meeting His Excellency President José Ramos Horta and the team in the Palace of President, Aitarak Laran, Dili, Timor Leste on November 11, 2022. The purpose of the meeting was “to give a  short brief about Iron Fortune’s presence in Timor Leste, and to inform His Excellency that Iron Fortune is ready to work together with the Government of Timor-Leste and the private sector to help build a sustainable mining sector”.
Iron Fortune Milestone iha 2022, Enkontru ho Exelénsia Prezidente José Ramos Horta no ekipa iha Palacio do Presidente, Aitarak
Laran,Dili,Timor Leste iha Novembru 11.
Sorumutuk ne ‘e ninia objetivu mak “atu fó deskrisaun badak ida kona-ba prezensa Iron Fortune nian iha Timor-Leste, no informa
katak Iron Fortune prontu atu serbisu hamutuk ho Governu Timor-Leste no setór privadu atu tulun harii setór mineiru ida ne’ ebé sustentável ”.

Meeting with HE Minister for Petroleum and Minerals

On Friday 11 November 2022 Iron Fortune had the privilege to have a meeting wB028B48A-D213-49EF-BAFC-2EEADF9F6AC4ith His Excellency the Minister of Petroleum and Minerals of Timor Leste, Mr. Victor Soares and the team. The objective of the meeting is to relate Iron Fortune works in Timor Leste and to know the pre-qualification progress. The meeting was very good. The process explanation was very clear. Iron Fortune look forward to be a part of serious investment in beloved Timor Leste.
Iha Sesta 11 Novembru 2022, priviléjiu bot ida mai Iron Fortune hala’o enkontru ho Ministru Petróleu Timor-Leste nian, Señor Victor Soares no ekipa. Objetivu hosi sorumutu ne’ e relasiona ho Iron Fortune ninia servisu iha Timor-Leste no buka no hatene tuir progresu pré-kualifikasaun.
Prosesu diskusaun ne ‘e hetan esplikasaun klaru tebes. Iron Fortune hein hela atu hola parte iha investimentu sériu iha Timor.

New Australian Registered Office

From 1 October 2020, Iron Fortune has relocated its Australian operations to 32 Andretti Court, Truganina, Victoria, 3029.

The new premises are also occupied by McLeod Rail and comprise modern offices including boardrooms, laboratories, warehouse and car parking.