Iha loron 14 fulan Abril tinan 2023, Iron Fortune hetan konvite atu partisipa iha konferénsia iha Ministériu Finansas, iha Dili ho tema “Papél setór Petróleu no Minerais nian ba Dezenvolvimentu Sosioekonómika Timor-Leste nian”.
Reprezentante sira husi Ministériu Petróleu no Minerais, hamutuk ho instituisaun relevante sira mak hanesan ANPM, IPG, Timor Gap no CMTL mai partisipa iha eventu ida ne ‘e. Partisipantes sira inklui reprezentante F-FDTL, PNTL, no Komisaun Altu sira. VIPs barak mak aprezenta, hanesan hakerek ona iha aneksu ajenda
Partisipa mós husi Reprezentante Inisiativa Transparénsia Indústria Estrativa nian https://e.org/
Iron Fortune felisita Governu Timor-Leste no ajénsia prinsipál sira ba prestasaun kona-ba dezenvolvimentu indústria estrativa modernu no transparente ida.
On 14 April 2023 Iron Fortune was invited to attend a conference at the Ministry of Finance Building in Dili themed “The Role of the Petroleum and Minerals sector for the Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of Timor-Leste”.
Representatives from the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals attended, together with key stakeholder institutions such as ANPM, IPG, Timor Gap and CMTL. Attendees included representatives from F-FDTL, PNTL, and various High Commissions. Many VIPs presented, as outlined in the attached agenda.
Representatives from Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative also attended. https://eiti.org/
Iron Fortune congratulates the Government of Timor-Leste and the key delivery agencies on the development of a modern and transparent extractive industries regulatory framework.