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IMARC Conference 2018

On 1 November 2018 Iron Fortune director Mary Thompson will present to a panel of international resource experts at the International Mining and Resource Conference (IMARC) in Melbourne during the IMARC Mining Investment Pitch Battle. Iron Fortune has been selected to tell our unique Timor-Leste resource exploration story, alongside other emerging resource exploration and mining companies with operations in South America, Africa and Australia. The company with the winning “pitch” receives a free stand and delegate pass to the 2019 IMARC Conference, but more importantly gains valuable exposure to international resource investors.

IMARC is Australia’s largest mining event, attracting over 6,000 attendees from 90 countries to hear from over 200 global speakers.

Field Work August 2018 with Uni of Melbourne

IMG_20180831_070443697Iron Fortune Field Work August 2018

Iron Fortune Geophysicist Joe Magno recently joined Dr Brendan Duffy of the University of Melbourne Earth Science Department and two Australian masters students (Brian Lew and Kevin Boland) for 3.5 weeks, completing field work between Fohorem and Lolotoi.  Joe was a valued member of the team, a
ssisting with logistics and interpreting and translating as required. Joe gained skills in structural geological data collection and also proved to be a highly capable driver, safely piloting the field work Toyota Prado through some challenging terrain.  The field work, which included a multi-day river hike, greatly expanded knowledge of the geology of the Lolotoi Metamorphic Complex, which will now form the basis of two theses.


Mary Thompson in Dili early 2018

IMG_5531Mary Thompson relocated to Dili in January 2018. Whilst in Dili, Mary worked closely with our Geophysicist, Joe Magno, extended her language skills, business contacts and cultural understanding.

With the political stalemate culminating in the President calling fresh elections that were held in May there was no prospect of progress being made in the on-shore minerals and resources regulatory environment being advanced and Mary returned to Melbourne in March 2018 after enjoying many amazing experiences and learning much.


Timor-Leste International Investment Conference – Dili November 2017

Both Mary Thompson and Ian Sinclair were in Dili for the International Investment Conference. The conference was well supported by the Government Ministers and bureaucrats, with the keynote address delivered by Prime Minister Dr Mari Alkatiri.

During our visit we were able to join a charter flight to the Oé-Cusse enclave on the north coast of Timor organised by TradeInvest, a governmental body established to assist and encourage foreign investors in the country.  We were able to secure a meeting with the Substitute President of the regional authority, ROAOA, Sr Alesio Bano, and Sr Rui Pinto, Technical Consulting Counsel to ROAOA.



The University of Melbourne and IPG sign MOU

On 28 February 2017, the Directors were delighted to attend the dinner hosted by the University of Melbourne for the signing of the MOU between the University and the Institute of Petroleum and Geology, attended by the Minister for Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Alfredo Pires, President Helio Gutteres and Vice President Jorge Martins of IPG and other dignitaries including Professor Mike Sandiford from the University.  Further details are on the Government website

On 2 March 2017 we were delighted to host IPG’s representatives for presentations by Orica Limited and Boral Limited which included viewing a controlled blast at Boral’s Deer Park quarry.

Director, Ian Sinclair, will be in Timor-Leste in April 2017 for a series of meetings in relation to our ongoing minerals and resources research.


First International Investment Conference in Dili

The Directors attended the First International Investment Conference in Dili on 6th and 7th June 2016. The conference enjoyed excellent support from the Government of Timor-Leste and its newly constituted TradeInvest organisation, which is established to support foreign investment into the country.

A wide range of speakers presented on the current investment opportunities and challenges, including Heineken (who are building a manufacturing plant to service the country with its beer and soft drinks), TL Cement (building a sustainable cement plant with both solar and wind power), and Bollore (building the proposed new Tibar Port to cater for the country’s entire container facilities for 30 years). The total investment across these three projects is around USD 1.2 billion over the next three years.

We met ministers, senior bureaucrats and advisers, and had meetings with the Australian Ambassador and his staff, as well as representatives from other major existing TL investors.

We are excited to report that the Government is accelerating its plans for the Mining Code, which is due to go before the Council of Ministers imminently, and other key legislation including tax, investment, land, commercial, consumer and competition laws. The progress made and recognition of the need to attract foreign investment has been recognised by Government and we consider that our first mover advantage remains strong with our ever growing list of strong contacts in TL as well as increasing geological databank.

Iron Fortune Iha Delegasaun Komérsiu Timor-Leste

Iron Fortune hola parte iha delegasaun komérsiu ho estadu Victoria Timor-Leste nian iha inísiu fulan Fevereiru tinan 2014. Área foku inklui oportunidade minerais, nune’e mós ba rekizitu fatuk ho rai no agregadu ne ‘ ebé presiza ba dezenvolvimentu infra-estrutura nasaun nian.

Postu iha Uncategorized iha loron 11 fulan- Fevereiru tinan 2014 hosi ironfort.

Vizita Mai Timor Leste Iha Fulan Fevereiru Tinan 2014

Iha fulan Fevereiru tinan 2014 ami mai vizita Timor-Leste hanesan parte vizita estudu ida hosi estadu Victoria Kámara Komérsiu no Indústria ba empregadores sira. Tuir baze ho Ministru Rekursu Alfredo Pires no Ministru Obras Públikas Gastão de Sousa, ami vizita mós pedreira lokal no projetu sira ne ‘ebé iha rejiaun Dili nian, inklui proposta dezenvolvimentu portu Tibar Nian. Iha mós enkontru ho ajénsia setór rekursus regulatóriu nian.

Comorro Quarry near Dili

Comorro Quarry near Dili

Cement Bag Plant under construction near Dili

Cement Bag Plant under construction near Dili

Tibar Port site 10 km west of Dili

Tibar Port site 10 km west of Dili

Road infrastructure in Timor-Leste is basic

Road infrastructure in Timor-Leste is basic

Impressaun inisiál pozitivu tebesrisku nasaun ki’ik kombina ho oportunidade boot, liu-liu ba partisipasaun iha liña fornesimentu infra-estrutura no planta petróleu no esplorasaun minerál kuandu bá iha merkadu.