Field Work August 2018 with Uni of Melbourne

IMG_20180831_070443697Iron Fortune Field Work August 2018

Iron Fortune Geophysicist Joe Magno recently joined Dr Brendan Duffy of the University of Melbourne Earth Science Department and two Australian masters students (Brian Lew and Kevin Boland) for 3.5 weeks, completing field work between Fohorem and Lolotoi.  Joe was a valued member of the team, a
ssisting with logistics and interpreting and translating as required. Joe gained skills in structural geological data collection and also proved to be a highly capable driver, safely piloting the field work Toyota Prado through some challenging terrain.  The field work, which included a multi-day river hike, greatly expanded knowledge of the geology of the Lolotoi Metamorphic Complex, which will now form the basis of two theses.
